by Acres Property Management | Jul 2, 2021 | Owner Education, Property Management Education
Once you have a rental value established, you’ll need to pay attention to the property’s functionality and aesthetics. Here are a few things you can do to make sure you’re ready to rent your home to great tenants.
by Acres Property Management | Apr 9, 2021 | Owner Education, Property Management Education
Anyone renting out a property in Seattle needs to understand the laws and regulations to which they are bound. We see a lot of landlords make mistakes because they don’t know the law. Unfortunately, not knowing about laws and regulations isn’t a defense if a complaint...
by Acres Property Management | Feb 26, 2021 | Eviction, Property Management Education
The Seattle eviction process is complex, costly, and wrought with difficulties for landlords, can easily require 2 or more months under normal circumstances, however, this process has been stalled even further, due to the COVID pandemic and multiple eviction bans that...
by Acres Property Management | Feb 12, 2021 | Property Management Education, Tenant Screening
Screening tenants in Seattle and some surrounding cities is a bit different than screening tenants in other parts of Washington State or the nation. The city has some laws and requirements that are stricter than the regulations in place statewide. There are some best...
by Acres Property Management | Jan 29, 2021 | Owner Education, Property Management Education, Uncategorized
When it comes to choosing a property management company for your rental property in Seattle, Tacoma, Burien, or one of the surrounding areas, we know you have a lot of options. At ACRES Property Management, we stand apart from our competition by providing 20 years of...
by Acres Property Management | Jul 31, 2020 | Owner Education, Property Management Education
There are a lot of good reasons for an owner to hire a property manager, and many of them are well documented. But one advantage of having a professional manage a rental is that the property manager knows the rental market. Why is that important? Because when market...