by Acres Property Management | Jul 2, 2021 | Owner Education, Property Management Education
Once you have a rental value established, you’ll need to pay attention to the property’s functionality and aesthetics. Here are a few things you can do to make sure you’re ready to rent your home to great tenants.
by Acres Property Management | Apr 9, 2021 | Owner Education, Property Management Education
Anyone renting out a property in Seattle needs to understand the laws and regulations to which they are bound. We see a lot of landlords make mistakes because they don’t know the law. Unfortunately, not knowing about laws and regulations isn’t a defense if a complaint...
by Acres Property Management | Jan 29, 2021 | Owner Education, Property Management Education, Uncategorized
When it comes to choosing a property management company for your rental property in Seattle, Tacoma, Burien, or one of the surrounding areas, we know you have a lot of options. At ACRES Property Management, we stand apart from our competition by providing 20 years of...
by Acres Property Management | Jul 31, 2020 | Owner Education, Property Management Education
There are a lot of good reasons for an owner to hire a property manager, and many of them are well documented. But one advantage of having a professional manage a rental is that the property manager knows the rental market. Why is that important? Because when market...